they wanted to know if Etheridge Knight really went to jail and i said
that's something we have to look up because my history is built
by textbooks and curiosity but you can't be curious about a name you've
never heard, in spite of majoring in English, studying poetry, and writing
it for the last ten years and i am embarrassed by my whiteness and my
ignorance and it is not too painful to tell them, because they know anyway,
and they are kind about it.
and so, yes, children, he did. Just like Malcolm and just like Martin
and just like i don't in spite of all the opportunities, because right
now it's more important to get to you by 7:30 and anyway, who
would post bail?
i try not to cry, as much, anymore, because i haven't earned the tears
of other people's lives. i have only earned my own and God, and anyone
around me, knows i've shed enough of those in the last four years
to take my breaths in a jagged way that shakes my whole body and
alarms the students and they say miss, did you forget to breathe again?
and what a question when yes maybe i did or maybe i held my
breath too long in order to feel the air press against my lungs when i was biting
my lip and trying not to cry but i walk around free in a world where
it is easier for me to breathe than it is for others
when i saw her face it was on the beach in the summer and i was wearing
a striped bikini and feeling good in my skin and then i saw her, smiling,
not her mugshot, and by the time i saw her, she was dead and i didn't know
what to do but shake and shudder and burn with anger under the sun
until my skin turned the color of the inside of my eyelids that did not burn
with tears because this was beyond that
i am still trying to find a language to speak but what is better is to listen and
i would like to believe i am ready for the revolution but the only reason i'm
closer to being ready is because i know i am not and that i need a thousand
more years of sitting at the feet of others to learn how to live as an interruption
to the heavy forked tongue that tells our history.
if you add an E to heavy forked tongue you end up with heft.
haha, appropriate for the magnitude of that heavy forked tongue.
mais si quelqu'un devait se promener comme un cueilleur chasseur et vous trouverez qu'ils tombent amoureux , ce qui est , bien sûr , ce qui est arrivé
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