Broken teeth zipper
broken jaw slackhang loose
A forest of three-legged tables
buzzing filaments of naked bulbs
children’s broken bicycles
piles and piles of nuptial china
shattered and discarded
A dog with one eye
gnawing at his own leg
Withered stare
into a city with dust clouds like locusts
The bonethief’s wife
stirs her cauldron of lecterns
green cards, computer chips
and virgin hopes
What is is after
and beneath and before
The unleavened bread
leaves crumbs in his path
leading through the
rhythm of Israel’s worship
to sun shining
on wounds no longer hidden
The puddles from last night’s rain
reflect the blue sky
He walks over, clothed
in white of birch bark
fancy tablecloths and lit cloud edges
smiles and says
as if we’ve
been talking all along
Didn’t you hear? It’s finished
And so it is. All the noise
of battle softened to the din of
dinner pots clinking and children yelling
in a park.
Where he has walked to get back to me
blooms red
In lengthening shadows we talk
about tomorrow